the Journey, Astrology & Astrocartography Membership | Waitlist


Thank you for expressing your interest and joining the waitlist for "The Journey, Astrology & Astrocartography Membership." I am excited about the opportunity to meet you when I open the doors to the next small group cohort intake.

In preparation, could you please provide your full name and email address?

In the coming weeks, I'll reach out to request additional essential details, such as your birth information and current location, which are necessary for your participation.

Registration and Membership details available.

Astrology offers a gateway to wonder and enchantment. As we explore the zodiac, recognize the influence of planetary forces, and decipher life’s spheres through our astrological charts, we unlock the secrets that define our individual and shared destinies. The harmonious patterns of the cosmos not only illuminate our personal journeys but also connect us to the broader collective consciousness.

Astrocartography is a captivating branch of astrology that maps the positions of the planets at the exact time of your birth onto a world map. This technique offers insights into how different locations around the world can influence your personal experiences, growth, and personal development. Are you ready to discover which magical and insightful destinations are calling you? 

Looking forward to starting this transformative journey with you.

Best regards,

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